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jc griffin electrical.

our client

40 years in electrical trace heating

Jeremy Griffin is an experienced and certified commercial electrician with over 40 years of experience, specialising in trace heating installations. He has worked throughout the UK, around the world, on ships and even nuclear submarines to provide bespoke, expert trace heating solutions for a wide variety of applications. We were called in to build an online sales and lead generation platform, and the results have been spectacular!

the website.

We built JC Griffin a sharp, responsive website that covers all of their needs - offering a platform for both online sales and lead generation. The challenge here was the technicality of the subject matter and we worked closely with Jeremy to gain a better understanding of the business. The website features several interactive pages that demonstrate JC Griffin's expertise in the industry.  The result is a visually compelling website that communicates effectively with the audience.


the photography.

In order to create JC Griffin's ecommerce store we needed high-quality product image: we offered professional photography of their full product range. We shot 20+ products and delivered 5 stunning finished photos for each product, which our client was delighted with. These images are optimised for use in online sales platforms.

striving towards results

the outcome

We helped JC Griffin to establish a strong online brand and created a website for them that generates revenue and enquiries for them every day. It was a pleasure to work with a pioneer of the trace heating industry and be able to bring his vision to life.

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